(Video) Easiest Solution to Get Rid of Ants, Pests, Roaches and Fleas

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How To Keep Pesticides Away From Home And Garden?

Have you ever experienced the exasperating ordeal of battling relentlessly against an incessant army of ants, fleas, and other persistent pests that invade your humble abode and beloved garden day after day? Oh, the frustration! The countless efforts you’ve invested in thwarting those minuscule intruders from trespassing into the sacred sanctuary of your home, only to be left disillusioned by the lackluster outcomes that fail to meet your lofty aspirations.

If this resonates with your plight, fear not, for I shall unveil a potential panacea that not only obliterates these bothersome creatures but does so without resorting to any hazardous chemical concoctions!

Moreover, let me digress for a moment and harken back to my previous literary endeavor, wherein I imparted wisdom on shielding our cherished gardens from the perils of summer fungi. Alas, today I am compelled to diverge from that discourse and delve into an altogether different realm of pestilence.

Read also: How to avoid fungus during summer

how to get rid of ants in the house? Why is borax effective for ants and other insects? https://organicgardeningeek.com

Using chemical sprays are not the best practice at home

Facing insects and other kinds of bugs at any point in our living space -literally everywhere, is an unavoidable fact of life almost any time of the year.

When we encounter those creatures, we just appeal to the chemical insect-repellent products without losing time, with the hope to clean up our home and garden. Of course, we have to deal with the side effects of those chemicals we contacted and breathed for a considerably long time.

Here in the video below, you can learn a simple DIY way of repelling those insects, fleas, cockroaches from your home and garden without using any toxic accumulating chemical materials.

In the video, you are advised to use Borax and honey and put it in a safe (your desired place), and lead the insects to eat it. This sweet and attractive mixture will kill all the bugs and insects when they start to eat it.

Why is borax effective for ants and other insects?

Borax is an effective solution for controlling pests due to its ability to disrupt the stomach and digestion systems of insects. By eliminating these unwanted pests, you can create a healthy and pest-free environment for both your pets and yourself. To discover how to prepare a potent mixture of honey and Borax to deter ants, fleas, and cockroaches from invading your kitchen, as well as keeping other bugs at bay, watch the informative video below.

In essence, Borax is a type of alkaline mineral, and extensive research has shown no significant harm to humans when used responsibly. For a more in-depth understanding, you can find detailed information by visiting the provided link.

If you find this video helpful, please consider sharing it with your friends and family. By doing so, you’ll not only support us but also help them create insect-free homes and gardens. Together, let’s enjoy a pest-free living space.

Borax: Uses, Benefits, and Safety Guide


What is borax used for?

Borax is an incredibly versatile substance that finds its way into many aspects of our lives. One of its common uses is as a household cleaner. Its powerful cleaning properties make it a fantastic option for tackling stubborn stains and grime. You can mix it with water to create a solution that effectively cleans surfaces like countertops, sinks, and even bathroom tiles. Plus, it’s a great natural alternative to harsh chemical cleaners, which is always a win for both your health and the environment.

But wait, there’s more! Borax can also be a handy helper in the laundry room. It can boost the cleaning power of your detergent, making it easier to remove tough stains from clothes. You can even make your own laundry detergent using borax, which is not only cost-effective but also allows you to have better control over the ingredients you’re using. Additionally, borax has been known to be effective in controlling pests. If you’re dealing with stubborn ants, fleas, or cockroaches, creating a mixture with borax can help keep them at bay.

Is borax safe for cleaning?

When it comes to using borax for cleaning purposes, it’s generally considered safe when used responsibly and in appropriate amounts. Borax is known for its powerful cleaning properties, making it an effective option for tackling tough stains and grime in your home.

However, it’s important to exercise caution and take some precautions while using borax for cleaning. Avoid direct skin contact with borax, as it may cause skin irritation for some individuals. It’s also recommended to keep borax away from children and pets, as ingestion in large quantities can be harmful. Remember to always follow the instructions provided on the product packaging and use it in well-ventilated areas.

If you have any specific concerns or doubts, it’s always a good idea to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or seek advice from a professional cleaning expert. They can provide you with tailored recommendations and ensure you’re using borax safely and effectively in your cleaning routine.

Can borax be used as a natural insecticide?

Yes, borax can be used as a natural insecticide. Borax, also known as sodium borate, is a mineral compound that has insecticidal properties. It can be effective against a variety of pests, including ants, cockroaches, fleas, and silverfish.
To use borax as an insecticide, you can follow these steps:

Mix borax with a sweet substance: Combine equal parts of borax and a sweet substance, such as powdered sugar or honey. The sweet substance helps attract the insects to the mixture.

Place the mixture in strategic locations: Sprinkle or place small amounts of the borax and sweet substance mixture in areas where you have observed insect activity or suspect their presence. This can be near their entry points, along their trails, or in areas where they congregate.

Let the insects consume the mixture: The insects will be attracted to the sweet substance and consume the borax along with it. Borax acts as a stomach poison for many insects, causing damage to their digestive systems and ultimately leading to their demise.

Keep the mixture out of reach of children and pets: While borax is generally considered safe for use as an insecticide, it is still important to keep it away from children and pets. Place the mixture in areas that are inaccessible to them or use precautions such as keeping it inside bait stations or under cabinets.

How does borax remove stains?

Borax can be used to remove stains due to its cleaning and deodorizing properties. Here’s how borax works to remove stains:

1: Absorption: Borax has a porous structure, which allows it to absorb liquids and substances. When applied to a stain, borax absorbs the stain-causing substances, such as oils, grease, and dirt.

2: Alkalinity: Borax is alkaline in nature, which means it has a high pH level. This alkalinity helps break down and dissolve certain types of stains, especially those caused by acidic substances like tomato sauce, coffee, or wine. The alkaline properties of borax help to neutralize the acid and loosen the stain.

3: Abrasive action: Borax has a slightly abrasive texture, which can help to scrub away stains from surfaces. When used in combination with water or other cleaning agents, it can act as a gentle abrasive to remove stubborn stains without scratching the surface.

4: Odor removal: Borax has deodorizing properties that can help eliminate unpleasant odors caused by stains. It can absorb and neutralize odors, leaving the area smelling fresher.

To use borax for stain removal:

1: Create a paste: Mix borax with a small amount of water to create a paste-like consistency. Adjust the ratio depending on the desired thickness of the paste.

2: Apply the paste: Spread the borax paste onto the stained area, ensuring that it covers the entire stain. Gently rub the paste into the stain using a cloth or sponge.

3: Let it sit: Allow the borax paste to sit on the stain for a period of time, typically around 15-30 minutes. This gives the borax time to penetrate the stain and work on breaking it down.

4: Rinse and wash: After the waiting period, rinse the area thoroughly with water to remove the borax and the loosened stain particles. If necessary, follow up with regular cleaning methods, such as washing the fabric or using a suitable cleaner for surfaces.

Always remember to test borax on a small, inconspicuous area before applying it to the entire stain or surface, as some materials may be sensitive to the alkaline nature or abrasiveness of borax.

Images: youtube

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