The Top 7 Lawn Pests and Insects To Get Rid Of Today

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One constant concern in caring for our lawns is the presence of bugs, insects, and pests. This is a widespread issue, requiring the lawn to be periodically checked for bugs and pests.

Lawn Pests and Insects

The top 7 lawn pests and insects that can cause some damage to your lawn:

1. Armyworm: 

Armyworm larvae go from place to place and feed on the shoots of the grass. They eat at night and sometimes on cloudy days but usually hide in the thatch layer during the day. They eat the grass as soon as they are hatched from their eggs. They also move as a group, which makes it imperative to eliminate them as soon as you spot some to stop their spread.

2. Bluegrass Bill Bugs: 

Simply known as the Bill Bug, this pest feed in the roots, rhizomes, and shoots of the grass. The Billy Bug larvae feed into the stems where there is moisture, and it is here when they cause significant damage to the grass. The adults-only cause minor damage as compared to the larvae. The larvae are usually hatched and appear in late May and June.

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3. European Chafer: 

The larvae of this species feed on the roots and rhizomes in midsummer. During this time, the grass isn’t able to regenerate well, and brown patches will appear. As they grow (with a one-year life cycle), they will move to swarm in the trees.

4. Japanese Beetle: 

The larvae also feed on the roots and rhizomes in the summertime, causing brown patches to appear on the grass. The adult Japanese Beetle feeds on fruit and shrubs.

5. June Beetle: 

The larvae also feed on the roots and rhizomes in the summertime. It is larger than the other larvae pests and has an irregular life cycle. The adult June Beetle feeds on foliage and shrubs. You can see them at night flying around lights.

6. Hairy Cinch Bug: 

This bug drinks the juice s from the grass, thus giving the grass irregular yellow or brown patches. The Hairy Cinch Bugs, or Nymphs, first appear in May, then a second generation appears in September.

7. Sod Webworm: 

The Sod Webworm larvae feed on the shoots of the grass, eating the grass down to soil level. They eat at night. The moths hide in constructed silk-lined tunnels through the thatch layer and into the soil. They usually fly at dusk or when there’s foot traffic on the lawn.

Specific insecticides and solutions for each of these lawn pests and insects exist. You might want to consult with a lawn care or gardening expert to learn how to better care for your lawn against these pests and insects.

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What is eating up my lawn?

It might not be one of the pests we mentioned above. The chances are that raccoons and skunks are two frequent nocturnal animals that are responsible for digging up yards and devouring grubs. Skunks often dig tiny holes using the earth that has been disturbed, but raccoons can use their front paws to take up pieces of soil and turn them over to discover whatever delectable food may be hiding under the surface.

Why does my yard have so many bugs?

The most noticeable ones are the trash cans and the food that has been left exposed, but there are also a lot of natural attractions. Other insects, such as ants, springtails, and termites, find leaf litter, wood piles, and other organic materials, which might be excellent places to hide and raise their young.

When should I pest control my lawn?

Fall is the best time for successful pest control. Spraying your yard for crawling insects such as ants and water bugs should be done in the autumn for the greatest results. In order to establish a pesticide barrier, spray your grass and pay particular attention to the region surrounding the perimeter of your home’s foundation.

What are the bugs flying out of my grass?

Lawn gnats, also known as fungus gnats, are little insects that resemble mosquitoes and are often seen hovering above the grass in large swarms. The invasive species thrive in wet soils and decomposing plant matter, and their numbers skyrocket whenever there are extended periods of hot and rainy weather.

Should I cut my grass before spraying for bugs?

Before applying pesticide to your grass, you should trim it first since this allows most of the chemical to reach the stems, which is where the insects hide. Additionally, it stops the insects from hiding from the pesticide in the first place. Spraying the area after it has been mowed is also a better option for protecting pollinating insects.

Should I use insect killer on my lawn?

There are some lawns that may go years without having an insect infestation; it’s possible that you’ve never had a regular need for a pesticide. Nevertheless, monitoring is the most important factor in maintaining healthy grass. Regardless of the time of year, you should apply the granules as soon as you see any evidence of insect activity, such as grass blades that have been injured.

What are the signs of grubs on your lawn?

Grubs, which typically appear in the middle to late summer, are responsible for the brown or yellow marks that they leave on your lawn. Grubs may be present in your turf if you see animals such as moles, skunks, raccoons, or even birds digging about on it.

What do grass mites look like?

Both twospotted spider mites and Banks grass mites have a look that is comparable to one another. They are very little (less than a third of an inch in length), oval in form, and vary in color from practically black to almost green, yellow, and reddish-brown. Males are noticeably less rounded and proportionally smaller than their female counterparts. google news follow button

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